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$ 12.00 USD / Mes
O pago anual de $ 132.00 USD
Host: 1 Grupos: 3 Afiliados: 100 Hosting: 512GB Sesiones en vivo: ilimitadas Sesiones en vivo paralelas: 1 Gestor de contenidos / Direct chat Gestor de usuarios y grupos (permisos) Personalización imagen cliente Dominio (URL) del cliente: Acceso desde su entorno web

Emprendedor Pro

$ 19.99 USD / Mes
O pago anual de $ 219.00 USD
Host: 1 Grupos: 10 Afiliados: 300 Hosting: 512GB Sesiones en vivo: ilimitadas Sesiones en vivo paralelas : 1 Gestor de contenidos / Direct chat Test / Encuestas Foros / Salas Temáticas Rutas de aprendizaje Gestor de usuarios y grupos (permisos) Personalización imagen cliente Dominio (URL) del cliente: Acceso desde su entorno web


$ 29.99 USD / Mes
O pago anual de $ 329.00 USD
Host: 3 Grupos: 20 Afiliados: 500 Hosting: 512GB Sesiones en vivo: ilimitadas Sesiones en vivo paralelas: 3 Gestor de contenidos / Direct chat Gestor de usuarios y grupos (permisos) Personalización imagen cliente Dominio (URL) del cliente: Acceso desde su entorno web

Profesional Pro

$ 70.00 USD / Mes
O pago anual de $ 770.00 USD
Host: 10 Grupos: 70 Afiliados: 1000 Hosting: 1TB Sesiones en vivo: ilimitadas: Sesiones en vivo paralelas:10 Gestor de contenidos / Direct chat Test / Encuestas Foros / Salas Temáticas Rutas de aprendizaje Gestor de usuarios y grupos (permisos) Personalización imagen cliente Dominio (URL) del cliente: Acceso desde su entorno web
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MyZoneGO Platform

Terms and Conditions

(September 1, 2021)

  1. This Legal Notice (hereinafter the "Legal Notice") sets forth the terms and conditions regarding the use of the website, (the "Site") that WINDOWS CHANNEL makes available to Clients and their Users through the MytZoneGO platform.

  2. The MyZoneGO platform of WINDOWS CHANNEL aims to facilitate its customers the creation of private areas, with access restricted by the use of a user ID and password, according to the criteria of the client.

  3. The Client contracting the MyZoneGO platform has the capacity to identify the Site aesthetically and graphically according to his criteria and the possibilities that the platform offers.

  4. The Contracting Customer is responsible for configuring the platform, so that it is available to its users, according to these three main capabilities:

    1. Accept and manage users by assigning them passwords so that they can use the site according to their profiles and permissions assigned by the Customer.

    2. Upload, classify and organize content (video, document, image and audio) to share.

    3. Use the different services integrated in the platform.

  1. The use of the MyZoneGO platform gives the Client the status of User of the Site and implies full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the provisions included in this Legal Notice in the version published by WINDOWS CHGANNEL at the time the User accesses the Site.

  2. The use of the Site created on the platform of MyZoneGO is subject, in addition to this Legal Notice, to all notices, regulations of use and instructions, which are brought to the attention of the Client and its Users by WINDOWS CHANNEL through the Site.

  3. WINDOWS CHANNEL reserves the right to modify the Legal Notice at any time and without prior notice. Such modifications will be effective from the time they are made available to the public on the Site. The User is deemed to be aware of and bound by the changes to the Legal Notice from the time he/she enters the Site. The use or access to the Site by the User will constitute the acceptance and agreement to the changes of the Legal Notice.

  4. Similarly, WINDOWS CHANNEL reserves the right to make, at any time, modifications to the information contained in its digital publications.

  5. WINDOWS CHANNEL will endeavour to ensure that the information contained in the Site is correct and up-to-date at the time of inclusion. However, it is possible that there are unintentional errors or inaccuracies.

  6. WINDOWS CHANNEL shall not be liable for any errors or omissions contained in the Site, and undertakes to update the information in accordance with its priorities.

  7. Way of use. The Customer may not:

    1. Reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling or bypassing the technical limitations of the Services,

    2. Disable, alter or attempt to circumvent any mechanism that limits your use of the Services;

    3. Rent, lease, loan, resell, transfer or sublicense any Service or portion thereof to or for any third party, except as explicitly permitted herein or in the license terms accompanying any component of the Services;

    4. Use the Services for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by this Agreement; or

    5. Use the Services in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the Windows Channel servers or interfere with any other party's use and enjoyment of any of the Services

  1. Updates. Windows Channel may make changes to the Services from time to time, including: feature availability; how long, how much, or how often any particular feature can be used; and feature dependencies on other services or software. WINDOWS CHANNEL is constantly innovating in order to offer its Customers and Users the best possible experience. The Customer acknowledges and accepts that the form and nature of the Services provided by WINDOWS CHANNEL through the MyZoneGO platform may change at any time without notice. As part of this process of constant innovation, the Customer acknowledges and accepts that WINDOWS CHANNEL may need to interrupt (temporarily) the provision of the Services (or any function thereof) to the Customer or Users in general, as a result of operational requirements such as those related to the security of the Services, the security as users, or maintenance needs of the Services. 

  2. User accounts: 

    1. The User must provide certain correct and complete information according to the requirements of the Customer to configure and create their account access to the Siio.

    2. The User shall notify the Customer immediately of any breach of security or any unauthorized use of his account of which he becomes aware.

    3. You agree to be solely responsible for all activity that occurs on your account.

  1. General restrictions on use

  1. WINDOWS CHANNEL authorizes Customer and its Users to access and use the Services, subject to the specific conditions set out below, and Customer agrees that its failure to comply with any of these conditions shall constitute a breach of these Terms and Conditions by Customer:

  2. The Client and its Users agree not to alter or modify any part of the Website or the

  3. Customer and its Users agree not to circumvent, disable or otherwise tamper with (or attempt to circumvent, disable or otherwise tamper with) the security features of the Services or other features that (i) prevent or restrict the use or copying of the Content, or (ii) that apply the limitations on use of the Services or the content provided through the Services;

  1. Contents

    1. The Client is responsible for the content published on its Site. WINDOWS CHANNEL does not endorse any Content or any opinion, recommendation or advice expressed thereon, expressly excluding any liability relating to the Content. The Customer may provide its Users with the uploading of Content, in which case they will also be subject to these Terms and Conditions.

    2. You represent and warrant that you own (and shall continue to own for as long as you use the Services) all licenses and all rights, consents and permissions necessary to post your Content for the purpose of providing the Service and for any other purpose as contemplated by the Service and these Terms and Conditions.

    3. You and your Users agree not to post or upload any Content containing material that is illegal to possess in your country of residence.

    4. The Client and its users undertake that the Content that you provide to the Service will not contain material that is subject to the intellectual property rights of third parties or material that is subject to other industrial property rights of third parties (including exclusive or publicity rights), unless the legal owner of such rights has granted you a formal license or authorization, or is legally authorized in any other way, to publish the material in question.

    5. Users also acknowledge and understand that, when using the Services, they may be exposed to Content that is objectively inaccurate, offensive, indecent or otherwise objectionable to them. Users hereby waive any right or action at law or in equity that they may have against WINDOWS CHANNEL with respect to any Content.

    6. By posting Content on the Site, you are granting each user of the Site a non-exclusive license to access your Content through the Site, and to use, reproduce, create derivative works from, display and perform such Content to the extent permitted by the functionality of the Site and in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

  1. Links on the MyzoneGO Site

    1. The Services may include hyperlinks to other websites that are not owned or controlled by WINDOWS CHANNEL. WINDOWS CHANNEL does not control the content, privacy policies, or practices of other third party websites, nor does it assume any responsibility for them.

    2. Customer acknowledges and agrees that WINDOWS CHANNEL is not responsible for the availability of any such external sites or resources, and does not endorse any advertising, products, or other materials on or available from such sites or resources.

    3. Customer acknowledges and agrees that WINDOWS CHANNEL shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage which may be incurred by Customer as a result of the availability of such external sites or resources, or as a result of any reliance placed by Customer on the completeness, accuracy or existence of any advertising, products or other materials on or available from such sites or resources.

  1. WINDOWS CHANNEL will scrupulously respect the confidentiality of the personal data provided by the Users to the Sites of MyZoneGO, through the applicable regulations in force, so that WINDOWS CHANNEL will not give personal information of the User to third parties, unless it is required to deliver a product or provide a service requested by the Customer. 

  2. Notwithstanding the above, and given the nature of the Internet, WINDOWS CHANNEL does not guarantee that all use of the Sites provided through the MyZoneGO platform is free of risk, and therefore WINDOWS CHANNEL will not have any liability whatsoever, including for damages, harm or any other that may be caused by the misuse by third parties of the information generated, received, transmitted, or stored on the Sites.

  3. 14. In addition to what is stated in this Legal Notice, WINDOWS CHANNEL excludes any civil, criminal, administrative, or for direct or indirect damages, or any other caused or derived from

  1. The presence of viruses or other harmful elements on the Sites developed on the MyZoneGO platform or by third parties that have a link to the Sites that may produce alterations in the computer system or electronic documents of the Users.

  2. Errors or omissions contained in the Sites, or use of information contained therein. Any decisions based on information contained in these Sites are the responsibility of the visitor.

  3. The use or inability to use the Sites or any part thereof, or its Links, including any loss of programs or information.

  4. The knowledge that unauthorized third parties may have of the class, conditions, characteristics and circumstances of the use that the Users make of the Sites.

  5. The access to the Sites or the use of information or applications contained therein that generate damage to the User's software or hardware.

  6. The misuse by third parties of information generated, received, transmitted, or stored on the Sites.

  1. For all matters relating to the access or use of the Customer Sites, WINDOWS CHANNEL and the users of the Customer are subject to the laws and competent courts of the Customer's country in accordance with the contract signed between the Customer and WINDOWS CHANNEL, waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply to them by reason of their present or future domicile, or for any other reason. The above shall apply regardless of where the corresponding data messages are generated, communicated, transmitted, received or stored.

  2. In the event that the User does not agree with the provisions of this Legal Notice, he/she must refrain from using the Site and/or from performing operations through it.

September 1, 2021

Privacy Policy

1. Data Processing Policy

(September 1, 2021)

The Client contracting the site developed on the MyZoneGO platform of WINDOWS CHANNEL is responsible for the acceptance of users and the establishment of access codes and profiles and permissions for use. The Client also defines the fields required for the registration of the User and the request for information from the User. This User information is stored by WINDOWS CHANNEL in the databases incorporated into the MyZoneGO platform.

The user accepts this privacy policy and treatment of information by authorizing WINDOWS CHANNEL through the Sites developed in the MyZoneGO. platform for the treatment of personal data (collection, storage, use, circulation and suppression of data), as follows: (i) by explicit consent, that is, an express statement given by the user at the time of registration on the site, (ii) by unequivocal consent, that is, the consent given by the user through affirmative action to continue browsing the site, after warning of the collection of personal data.

Once the user has consented to the processing of data by WINDOWS CHANNEL, it will obtain and keep the personal data required by the Client contracting the Site.

In accordance with current legislation on data protection the User of the site contracted by the Customer expressly authorizes the Customer contracting the Site and WINDOWS CHANNEL, as well as its affiliates and subsidiaries, to the collection, storage, purification, use, analysis, circulation, updating and cross-checking with its own or third party information, in any known or to be known technology, of the personal data provided at the time of registration, or any other provided to WINDOWS CHANNEL. for access to the Site contracted and provided by the Client through the MyZoneGO platform, for the following purposes:

(i) manage administration tasks, (ii) carry out strategic marketing studies, market segmentation, customer satisfaction level among others, (iii) elaboration of usage profiles, (iv) optimize the services offered, offer a better navigation experience to the user by means of the configuration and improvement of the Site, (v) determine the user's activity as key information for the Customer contracting the Site, and (vi) data base license.

With the granting of the authorization, the User has for himself the ARCO rights (access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of personal data), which implies:

  • To know, update and request the rectification of data.

  • Request proof of the granting of this authorization;

  • To know the use that the Customer and WINDOWS CHANNEL have made of their personal data;

  • To revoke at any time the authorization to include your personal data in the databases of WINDOWS CHANNEL;

  • Request free access to your personal data previously authorized.

The data controller is WINDOWS CHANNEL. and as data processor there may be third party service providers directly contracted by WINDOWS CHANNEL., companies and individuals who may perform services on behalf of WINDOWS CHANNWEL, such as: processing of information, sending emails, e-marketing, cleaning databases and determining consumer preferences. WINDOWS CHANNEL and the third party service providers shall treat personal information within the scope and for the purposes covered by this item, in accordance with the current legislation and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and Protection of Personal Data. If a third party is entrusted with the processing of personal data, the reference of the identification data of these third parties to whom the processing is entrusted shall be stated.

For further information or to exercise the rights referred to above, in particular to know, update, rectify, delete and revoke the authorization given or request the deletion of personal data, the User must contact directly the Customer contracting the Site. 

WINDOWS CHANNEL will not execute any activity of updating, rectification, deletion and revocation of data without the instruction and authorization of the Customer contracting the Site.

WINDOWS CHANNEL. will store the User's or Customer's information securely and, therefore, will take all precautionary measures to protect your information against adulteration, loss, consultation, unauthorized or fraudulent use or access. Subcontractors and suppliers of WINDOWS CHANNEL. who in one way or another access personal data of Users by reason of some special order (treatment manager), are contractually obliged to keep such information confidential and may not use this information for any other purpose.

WINDOWS CHANNEL. does not wish to collect personal data from children under 18 years of age, unless they have the express permission of their parents or legal representatives. The Customer contracting the Site will assume responsibility. We presume that minors have the authorization of their legal representatives to provide personal information. However, if parents or other legal guardians discover that children under their supervision have provided personal information to the Site contracted by the Client on the MyZoneGO. platform without their authorization, and wish to remove it, they should contact the Site's contracting Client to receive the information and inform and instruct WINDOWS CHANNEL immediately.

The user will respond, in any case, for the veracity of the data provided, WINDOWS CHANNEL reserves the right to exclude from the registered services any user who has provided false information, without prejudice to other actions that may proceed in law.

WINDOWS CHANNEL. may transfer Personally Identifiable Information as part of the assets of WINDOWS CHANNEL in the event that the Company or parts of the business are sold, merged, or acquired by a third party.

This information processing policy is effective as of January 1, 2020. The validity of the database will be for the maximum term allowed by law.

Requirements of the Authorities

WINDOWS CHANNEL will cooperate with the competent authorities to ensure compliance with the laws on the protection of intellectual property, fraud prevention and other matters.

The user of the Site expressly authorizes WINDOWS CHANNEL. to provide any Personal Information about him, in order to comply with any requirement of a competent authority, and in order to cooperate with the competent authorities to the extent that we, in our discretion, deem necessary and appropriate in connection with any investigation of an unlawful or fraud, infringement of intellectual property rights, or other activity that is illegal or may expose WINDOWS CHANNEL. to any legal liability.


WINDOWS CHANNEL. is obliged to comply with all applicable legislation on security measures applicable to your Personal Information. In addition, WINDOWS CHANNEL. uses industry standards to protect the confidentiality of your Personal Information, including, in other measures, firewalls and Secure Socket Layers ("SSL").

September 1, 2021

2. Cookie Policy

(September 1, 2021)

Cookies are small text files that are downloaded and stored in the user's computer browser, Smartphone or Tablet when accessing certain web pages. Under no circumstances can they contain computer viruses or install malware on the user's computer.

On the Sites developed on the MyZoneGO platform of WINDOWS CHANNEL, WINDOWS CHANNEL uses its own cookies for the purpose of (i) optimize the services offered, (ii) offer a better browsing experience to the user, and (iii) provide information of all kinds to the user and the customer.

These cookies can be of several types: 1) For their duration: (i) session cookies, that is, those that only remain active while the registered user makes use of a certain web space, allowing the user to be identified in order to personalize his or her experience. After the session, this cookie will disappear without being stored on the hard drive of the device, (ii) permanent cookie, that is, one programmed directly by the web portal in order to track the user each time a new visit is generated. 2) Due to its purpose: (i) essential or technical cookies, that is, those indispensable to guarantee the adequate navigation, allowing the correct traffic and recognition of data, (ii) personalization cookies, those that store the preferences of a certain device such as language, type of browser, the characteristics that the portal has depending on the place in the world from which it is accessed, etc., (iii) analysis cookies, those that allow the creation of a navigation profile by user, analyzing the behavior of the user.

The User accepts the use of the mentioned cookies. However, the User can disable both the installation of cookies and the use of them by WINDOWS CHANNEL on the Site developed on the platform of MyZoneGO. To disable the installation and use of cookies the user must perform the procedure by browser following the instructions given by the relevant provider. If the user disables the installation or use of cookies for the Sites, they may lose or affect some functionalities.

WINDOWS CHANNEL may share information obtained through cookies with external persons or third parties (allies, or companies linked to WINDOWS CHANNEL), in order to improve the usability and services to the user. Likewise, the information received through cookies will be used by WINDOWS CHANNEL and the above mentioned third parties, for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy document

September 1, 2021